
All Posts By: Alfred Ang

Python Tensorflow Keras

Time Series Forecasting using Tensorflow Keras

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model has been very useful to predict time series data.. Training on Tensorflow Keras is a great platform to implement …

Python Pytorch

Transfer Learning with Pytorch

Transfer learning is a powerful way to solve overfitting issue related to small dataset. Pytorch Training is a powerful deep learning framework to implement …

Python Pytorch

Stock Price Forecasting using LSTM

LSTM has been very useful to predict time series data. We have previously discussed about the time series forecasting using Pytorch Deep Learning framework …

Pandas Python Scikit Learn

Convert Categorical Features to Integers with Scikit Learn

Machine Learning requires all the categorical features to be numbers. Often we need to convert the categorical text to integers. We can readily do …

Python Pytorch

Comparison of LSTM, GRU and RNN on Time Series Forecasting with Pytorch

In this article, we will compare the performance of LSTM, GRU and vanilla RNN on time series forecasting using Pytorch Deep Learning platform. Given …

Python Pytorch

Linear Regression with Pytorch

There are two ways to compute a simple linear regression using Pytorch. One is to use the optimizer update method, and one is to …

Python Pytorch

Differences between pytorch.Tensor and pytorch.tensor

This article tries to clarify the differences between pytorch.Tensor and pytorch.tensor. As shown above. torch.Tensor is converting to Float, while torch.tensor will infer the …

Python Pytorch

Compute differentiation easily using Pytorch Autograd

Pytorch comes with a super easy method to compute differentiation – autograd (automatic gradient). To illustrate the method, consider the following differentiation $$ \begin{align} …


Create Ubuntu and Python Docker Containers

Although you can pull a Ubuntu image from the Docker Hub using the ” docker pull ubuntu”, it is more flexible to create your …

Computer Vision Google Cloud Machine Learning

Text Recognition Using Google Cloud Vision API

You can readily use Google Cloud API to extract text from an image using Google Cloud Vision The steps are as follows: Step 1: …

Numpy Python

Using Numpy to Study Pauli Matrices

Numpy has a lot of built in functions for linear algebra which is useful to study Pauli matrices conveniently. Define Pauli matrices $$ \sigma_1 …

Natural Language Processing

Rule Based Matching in Spacy

Rule based matching is a very useful feature in Spacy. It allows you to extract the information in a document using a pattern or …